Monday Motivation #2

What is your hope in and how does this affect motivation?
I dunno about you guys, but I lived a large part of my life being paralyzed by fear. What I finally realized was that this fear came from placing way too much of my hope and my identity in the outcome.
So if the outcome was good, I was worthy and acceptable. But if the outcome didn’t turn out the way I wanted, I was a worthless failure who sucked at everything.
With such high stakes as that, the outcome had the ability to crush me. I think this is the case for many of us. Therefore, we end up just staying in our comfort zone or doing things for the wrong reasons (like for the approval of others or even our own self acceptance).
HOWEVER, if Jesus is your hope, if you believe that your identity lies in him, if you seek the approval of God and not men, then you are motivated by freedom….
Freedom to act without fear of the outcome because you know that whatever the outcome it is for your good.
Freedom to enjoy the process because you know that Jesus is working in you through the process and his timing is perfect.
Freedom to not worry because you believe that He will give you enough grace to get done what needs to get done.
Freedom from an identity in anything that is as temporary as beauty or wealth or approval of others.
Pray this with me today friends….
Lord, as we begin another week, may our hope and our identity be in you alone. For we know that without you, we can do nothing. You have given us a spirit of love, power, and self discipline. We ask you for the grace to throw off every hinderance and be the people you want us to be today. May we trust you, and believe your promises, so fully that it leads us to act unhindered and without fear of the future, then be at peace with whatever the outcome. May our choices reflect our hope in you and not our fears. You are the great helper and healer. Thank you for another day to live for you. Amen.
How does this apply to your life? And specifically your health journey?
What is hindering you? What are you placing too much hope or identity in?